6 Things Your Customers Appreciate...

By: Aanchal

1. Honesty This can be simple things - they ask when you'll ship, you say tomorrow but you ship 3 days later. Be honest and upfront! 

2. Attention Don't ignore them! They purchased or are interested in purchasing. Respond. Respond timely.

3. Transparency Share every detail! Are the pictures depicting reality? Are there hidden facts that they should be aware of?

4. Value What value does your product bring / add for your customer?

5. A Great Experience There's a saying that people may forget what you say/do but they remember how you make them feel.

6. Efficiency They want things fast and they want it right.

Most importantly, stay customer focused and obsessed!  In fact, a business is nothing without their customers.  Have a customer service plan in place - what to say to customers, what not to say, how to keep them coming, and focus on customer retention.