As small business owners with mostly low margins of profit or those of you who are just starting out, marketing is really the key! The more people are able to find you, the more they know about you, more your reach increases = more chances to sell!

Did you know that email marketing itself contributes to up to or over 89% increase in your revenue? Some businesses have seen 400%+ increase in their revenue from just email marketing and some of them ONLY use email marketing for generating their revenue? The best part – it’s free! (for most part – until your list grows like crazy at which point you’ve probably already achieved your goal of increasing sales)

Similarly, there are various other strategies that can help you grow your business without spending a dime (or maybe just a dime 🙂 )

Before we start, I’d like to share that I compiled 101 FREE marketing methods and ways that you can use for your small business in this absolutely FREE guide. Never run out of ideas to grow your business! 


1. Email Marketing

Create an automated welcome series of 2-6 emails or more and rest of your emails should be targeted based on customer’s purchase behavior. For example, you sell 2 types of products: hairs and skincare, you can break that into two segments. This way customers interested in skincare products see more deals and suggestions for relevant skincare products only except when you have new product launches or promotions/sales.

Don’t make this just about sales though – keep it personal sometimes while also keeping it solely about your customers! Remember, this is not about you, it’s FOR them.

A lot of email marketing platforms are available to get started for FREE. 

2. PR / Media Opportunities

This is an amazing way to promote your small business. Websites such as allow you to connect with journalists and advertise your business in high profile events by allowing you to provide samples in their goodie bags.

3. Local Media Opportunities

Similar to above, once you have drafted your business’s unique story, pitch it to local media to be featured!

4. Local Charity Events

Support a small business for a cause that is relevant to your niche and gain more exposure! For example: handmade clothing business can support causes that fight against fast fashion or child labor.

5. Sponsor Local Sports Event

It doesn’t have to be sports but any event where you can also provide some branded uniforms and merchandises such as keychains or tumblers to promote your small business.

6. Speak At School, Colleges or companies

Perhaps your small business can educate others around your niche. For example: if you sell reusable bags, you can become a subject matter expert on educating other businesses or students around why buying reusable bags versus plastic or disposable bags is important, what your business is doing to achieve this goal, what your business has done so far/impact, and promote accordingly.

7. Collaborate with other complimentary business

This is extremely beneficial for both the businesses in partnership. If you sell yoga pants and another business sells healthy organic meals, perhaps you can collaborate to educate or provide promotional offers for your audience. Your target audience will be similar.

8. Guest Post/Email/Blog

This also requires collaboration with other similar business, but in this case instead of promoting directly by giving an offer or doing something together – you are taking space in their newsletter. You will write a blog or email for their audience and they can do the same for yours.

9. Host a giveaway

Host a giveaway and give out either some of your best sellers or a new product that you’ve launched. This way those who have not tried your products will get to have that ‘first impression’ of your product and try it out.

10. Free gifts with $___ order

Instead of just giving out free samples, aim for a minimum price at which you will send a free gift. Let this free gift be a sample of your ‘latest’ product. This tactic is extremely helpful as people who are close to that threshold amount will try to add more items (also increasing your sales!) to achieve that free gift amount and will also get the opportunity to try your new product.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no additional cost to you.